Welcome to Adazhng's blog
20 Nov 2019 + WelcomeHi, this is the first time that I try to record my life on Internet. I obtain my Bachelor in Environmental Engineering and master degree in Statistics. Currently, I am working under a research project to apply statistical models and machine learning methods on environmental problems.
I enjoy reading books, watching movies/TV series and sleeping ORZ… Doctor Who, Rick and Morty are my favorite. Most of the time, I spend at school and home. One of the reasons that I want to blog things is that I realize my life is kind of bland and full of researches. In fact, I ENJOY RESEARCH!!! It definitely provide me to look around our world in different ways. However, I feel isolated especially after I get fully involved into works. So, I hope this blog would remind me of those living moments or connections within this world.
I probably would update IRREGULARLY. The contents could be anything: foods, some new thoughts, OOTD, or just photos. It all depends ;)